
Offspring International joins SLOM

Offspring International has joined the Sociedad Latinoamericana de Operadores de Terminales Marítimos Petroleros y Monoboyas or Latin American Society of Maritime Petroleum and Monobuoy Terminal Operators (SLOM), an industry group covering 14 countries across Central and South America.

SLOM brings together terminals, industry and regulatory organisations, maritime authorities, and companies in the industry to promote the exchange of knowledge and technical experience, encouraging safer, more sustainable, and efficient operations through the advancement and standardisation of terminal operation best practice. Offspring has worked with SLOM since its inception, delivering conference papers on the benefits of telemetry, mooring hawser performance, offloading hoses, and the latest developments in PipeLine End Manifold (PLEM) control.

Commenting, Offspring International sales and marketing director Mark Brooks said, “We are happy that Offspring’s membership of SLOM will continue and enhance our relationship with its more than 900 members. SLOM provides a valuable service to the terminal operators of Central and South America and their partners, with its yearly conference giving Offspring the opportunity to share the knowledge and experience we have gained over the past 30 years as well as learn from other members.”

For more information on Offspring International’s range of mooring and offloading systems call +44 (0)1384 453880, or email:
